Thursday, December 17, 2009

You might have to watch this a couple times to hear what she says.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mallory and Luke turn 2!

Last week was Mallory and Luke's 2nd birthday. I know, how does time manage to speed up when you're an adult? I can't believe they're 2 already! Next step, college applications.

We celebrated by having family and friends/neighbors over. There were about 50 kids and adults here. But, by the volume...I'm guessing there were more kids than adults.

I was busy cooking for a couple days because I was determined to host a kids birthday party with something besides pizza. I decided that 3 days after Thanksgiving people might enjoy mexican food! I made pork carnitas and chicken enchiladas, Brad made his 7 layer dip and Michael made a big ol' batch of his yummy margaritas.

About an hour into the party, I panicked because not all the kids were eating (and not all of the adults either). I turned to Michael and said, "I think we need to order pizza!! QUICK!!" So, we had 4 large cheese pizzas delivered. Guess what? There wasn't one slice left over.
All in all, everyone had a good time.

Monday, October 19, 2009

NEW YORK birthday trip

I can't believe it actually happened. Something my friend Melanie and I have been talking about for a year actually came through.

We decided to meet in NYC for our big bad 40th birthdays. We had a great time and had a jam packed 2 days in NY.

The weather people were calling for the worst weather of the season (of course they were...why wouldn't they on that weekend?). Nor'Easter, wind, pouring/driving rain, winter-like temps. Well, Mother Nature gave us a birthday gift and the rain actually held off until the day we left! It was still cold, but at least we didn't have to contend with the rain.

We went on a horse drawn carriage ride in Central Park, lunch at Carnegie Deli, Mamma Mia on Broadway, walked the entire length of Central Park, The Guggenheim and Metropolitan Museums, shopping on 5th Ave., dinner at Smith & Wollensky's, and watched the Yankee/Angels game (on TV).

We had a great time and vowed that we would go back there together on our 80th birthdays!!
Enjoy the pix!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Just a late night post while all is quiet. Lately Michael's and my conversations are as follows, "Hey, did you get my email about ---------- MOM, where's my homework, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Luke NOooooooooooooooooo" Me to Michael, "Nevermind, I'll text you later." When I left last night for karate I had all those spiral things over my head like you see in cartoons, but after the 2 hour workout, was much better.

Cole is a superstar in hockey. Scoring every game and skating better all the time.
Mallory's new thing, crawling into Luke's crib. Michael suggested we should move their cribs away from each other, then thought better of it, its probably safer the way it is. And cuter too.

Luke is just so cute and so smart. If it moves, or has a lid or a switch, he wants to know how it works. He's figuring out cause and effect right now. If I do this, then this. Not always good. He still loves to climb. Uhhhhh, when does that end? Mt. Everest??

LOVE my job with Uppercase Living. Challenging at times, but so fun!
Michael is loving his job too. IBM is great. ? He coaches Cole's hockey team, just finished up with the town over 40 softball team, and is now a lector at church. He will read this Sunday. He'll be embarrassed about this, but my friends from Cole's school think he's a babe!

Dad and Ev will be visiting for the next couple of weeks. Can't wait to see them. They got a room at the Mt. Washington hotel in NH. I think it was the inspiration for The Shining???? Must find out about that.
I'm going to NY with my BFF Melanie T. mid-Oct. Can't wait. We'll see Mamma Mia! go to a museum, and I'll take the time to walk around the Jackie O reservoir which is where my other friend Melanie (that passed away a couple years ago) and I walked when she was pretty sick.

Enjoy the pictures. I'll try to be good about writing the funny things that are said or done chez DiSilvio.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Back from Vacation

We got back at around 5 p.m. yesterday after an almost 2 week vacation to see my sister Laurie in Virginia and my mom and John in North Carolina. I calculated a total of 24 hours of driving with 3 kids by myself!!!

I'll back up a little. About a month ago I broke my pinkie toe on my right foot while chasing Luke. I caught it on the kitchen doorframe. My body went one way and my toe went the other way. I went to the ER and the x-ray confirmed that it was broken. The Doc taped it up and sent me on my way. Several friends (thank you Cori) recommended that I see an orthopedic surgeon because the toe can heal funny (not funny ha-ha, but funny strange). So, I went to see Dr. Gilligan (don't let the name fool you. He is pretty cute, and he used to be on staff for the Red Sox!) He was excellent! They x-rayed my foot and when they pulled it - ouch! - and taped it together, the bones would slide off each other and wouldn't stay. He recommended surgery, so the next week I had that done. I was gonzo (they put me out) and Dr. Gilley put a temporary pin through my toe and toe bones to keep them in place. I had a post-op shoe and crutches....oh and of course Percocet. I only used the Percs for 2 days and the crutches for about that amount of time too. But, I couldn't get the toe wet. Showers were interesting, but I was really bummed because I wanted to go in the pool and mom and John's!!

We left for Laurie's Tuesday, July 14th. We had a great time hanging out. Laurie is working, so during the day it was me and 5 kids! Laurie hosted an Uppercase Living party for me with some of her friends on Thursday. Sunday, my kids and I left for NC, about a 4 hour drive. Mom hosted a party for me on Sunday afternoon - yes, I guess this was a WORKING vacation for me. It was really nice to get to meet a lot of their friends from the church. The party was very nice. Monday evening my Aunt Gayle arrived from San Francisco and Laurie's girls came down from Virginia. Gayle hadn't seen the kids in a year, so she was having fun chasing them around. Tuesday Brad, Holly and kids came so all in all there were 15 people in mom and Johns house! Lord help us! It was hectic, crazy, loud, but we were together! The kids had a blast in the pool and playing together! Laurie was able to come down Thursday night for a few days - yea!! We had a really great time, great company, great conversations and great food of course!! Thank you!

So, now we're back to reality. It is nice to be home, but it sure is wonderful to be with family. We were only missing Michael in that crowd, and he was missed!

Because I can only post 5 pictures at a time on this, here is the link from our trip:

Monday, June 22, 2009

Let Summer Begin!

Well, it has begun, but no one told Mother Nature. It's about 56 degrees, has been raining for a week it seems and no end until Thursday of this week. Ouch.

Cole has officially started his summer vacation. He asked us, "How many weeks are there in summer vacation?" "About 10." Cole, "THAT'S IT???????!!!!!!!!!!" I hope he makes the most of it. Hurry up and have fun. So far he is in a baseball tournament that is about a week and a half long, but they practice all the time - 4 days this week as a matter of fact!! He's also doing a hockey clinic for a couple weeks. We will drive down to my sister Laurie's in VA for a week, and down to my mom and John's in NC for about 5 days in July.
Cole spotted a fawn on the way home last week. It had lost it's mother, but we saw mom on our side of the street and put baby in our backyard for mom to find it. It was only a day or two old, very cute. And, no, the mother won't reject the baby if a human holds it, that is an old wives tale.
Luke has taken to climbing. He climbs anything that is vertical: stairs, chairs, tables, bookcases, dressers, cribs, strollers, swing get the idea. There isn't much he won't try to climb. I just need to get it through to him that he can fall, will fall and has fallen. He still loves to eat. If I tell them it's time to eat, he runs over to his seat, climbs up into it (of course) and sits and waits for me to bring his tray to him. He is about 27 pounds and 33 inches. He just had his first haircut - bye bye curls! He looks like a big boy now.
Mallory is just too funny. She likes to watch and observe. She watches Luke climb, she watches Luke fall, she watches Luke cry. She is either too smart to do the same, or too cautious. Haven't figured that out yet. She also just got her first hair cut, not too much - she still has her curls. She likes to play the game, "Where's Cole?". Cole will go and hide and we will say "Where's Cole?" and she runs all over looking for him and then giggles and screams when she finds him. She is about 21 pounds and 30 inches. So, now I get the weird looks, then the question, "What's the age difference?" Or the doubtful question, "They aren't twins, are they?" It's amusing.

Michael is still playing in his over 40 softball league when time permits. He coaches Cole's little league team as well. I wonder if he'll get any golf in this year?

I just started a new job as most of you know, with Uppercase Living ( about 6 weeks ago. I love it! It gets my mind working, I get to get out of the house without kids and hang out with other women. There is also quite a bit of decorating skills that I need to bring to the table. And, I'm actually making money doing it! I'm still taking karate, and now there may be a small amount of teaching that I might be asked to do. Sensei Lanae, kind of has a nice ring to it!

Have a great summer, I'll try to keep this thing updated.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have not been good about updating this thing!

I guess I should start from the end of last month. I finally made it to the black belt exam. 5 1/2 years of taking karate, who would have guessed I could make it? Not me! I started training specifically for the test in January, working out and/or practicing at least an hour a day, sometimes up to 3 hours a day, everyday (almost) to get to the point where I felt prepared. I really don't think anyone could feel totally 100% prepared now that I know what is involved in the test, but I was as prepared as I could be. When did I have time for this you ask? Well, basically my life was put on hold. Right when I put the twins down for their nap, I would practice. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays and sometimes Saturdays I went to class. Michael was a huge help and very accommodating and understanding during all of this.

The test itself was very difficult, both mentally and physically. Mind over matter was a reoccuring mantra in my head. I think their goal was to push us to our limit, and then make us do more. The one time where I was completely exhausted toward the end of the test, 5 1/2 hours in, one instructor had us do 20 each of: jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, mountain climbers and front ball kicks. Then when we fininshed, she said, "Now, do all of them again...but do 30 this time."
It was an amazing experience, one that I am very proud of. What's next? Well, there are degrees of black belts (up to 10th!) so for now, I am continuing to go to classes and enjoying the fact that all non-black belt students have to kneel down when I put on or take off my belt, and bow to me! Mwwwoooaahhh-ha-ha, the power! Just kidding, it is flattering though.

Cole just started Little League practice last week. Michael is coaching again this year. Their team, The Diamondbacks, look great! This year the kids start pitching. I am excited for it, but other experienced moms told me it makes for loooooooooooooong games. I can't wait to see Cole pitch! Cole is also receiving his first Holy Communion on May 2nd. He has his white suit, tie and shoes. He is going to look so handsome. We will have a party to celebrate.

Mallory and Luke are getting so big! The interaction with each other is so funny sometimes. They are gentle with each other, concerned when the other is sad, even bringing their sibling a binky if they are crying. Monkey see, monkey do. If one is singing, the other joins, if one bangs on the high chair tray, so does the other. This is a really fun age! It's hard when I bring them outside to play since they are not used to being outdoors. It has been a long winter, and they learned how to walk during the winter, so we are just now starting to go outside. The world is a huge playground for them so they want to explore everything, even the street - yikes! I tell Luke "ouch" when he heads for the street and he is starting to understand.
We had a nice Easter, although we are all sick! But, we dressed up, went to church, had a chilly egg hunt and went over to Michael's aunts house for bruch.

Michael is starting an "over 40" softball league this week. It's put on through our town, so he will know several of the players (parents that we know through Cole - good friends now). It should be a lot of fun! He is back to running and working out on a regular basis and his knee, although not the same as it used to be, is much better from his surgery in December.

Spring seems to be trying it's hardest to come. Some days are better than others. Like last Saturday it was 39 or 40 with freezing rain and wind. Today and the rest of this week will be in the 50's and 60's with lots of sun. Boat rides don't seem that far away anymore.
I should also mention that I have a new (1st) cousin! Anastasia Galina Marie Jamieson (Stacie) was born to Uncle Darrell and Ann on April 9th. She was 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 19 1/4" long. Big brother Sandy seems very proud!

Well, I think you are now caught up on our lives. Don't you feel so much better?
Feel free to drop an email to us, we love hearing from everyone.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cole is 8!

I can't believe my baby is 8! I heard a saying the other day that is so true. The days are long, but the years fly by.

Cole enjoyed his day with family on Sunday. On his actual birthday, he brought cupcakes in to his class (yes, homemade) with my newly purchased cupcake carrier. His class told him they were the best cupcakes they have ever had! Are you kidding me? That made me happy. They sang to him and he had a good day.

The twins keep getting bigger and are doing new things all the time. Luke blows kisses, and says thank you, "day doo". They love climbing whatever they can climb on to. They just got their first real pair of shoes from Stride-Rite last week. When I put them on, they thought it was the funniest thing ever. It took some getting used to, but they like their new shoes. Now that the weather (hopefully) is slowly starting to get nicer, they will be outside soon and need the new "feet" for outside.

Mallory does not like to take baths all of the sudden. Her face says it all here!

We are all still adjusting to the daylight savings time. How is it that one hour can make such a difference? I've flown to Germany and had an easier time adjusting! I must be getting older.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Winter Stuff

Can we all hope for an early Spring????? I am so tired of all the sickness. It hasn't stopped since before Christmas, the 19th to be exact. Colds, stomach virisus, colds, knee operations, more colds, fevers, bronchilitis.... Tylenol has earned their quarterly revenue in this household alone!!

Right now, Luke has what I thought was croup, so 2 nights ago, we were in the bathroom with the hot water in the shower running 3 times during the night! The doc diagnosed it as broncilitis, inflamation of the small tubes in the lungs. Yesterday at the doctor's office, they gave him a breathing treatment, which helped his labored breathing. They prescribed Albuterol in a liquid which I gave to him at bedtime last night, which was what they recommended. Not doing that again! His poor little body was so restless he didn't know what to do. It took until about 4 a.m. for him to stop waking up every hour.

Enough of the sick talk. Mallory is fully walking now, they both love their new found upright mobility and freedom from the low crawling world. It isn't harder for us, just higher. Everything that was 1 foot off the ground is now 3 feet off the ground. Mallory loves to sing and dance, I think she inherited musical talent from my mom's side of the family! If I ask her to sing, she starts rocking back and forth and going "Lalalala". It is pretty sweet! Luke does it too, but there is just something about a little girl singing in a soft high pitch voice that is cuter.

We went up to the cabin last week during Cole's school vacation. I found out they have daycare at the ski resort close to the cabin. So on Thursday, Cole had his 4th snowboard lesson and I was able to go skiing for a couple of hours! It has been 2 years, but after the first couple of runs, I stopped saying to myself, "Maybe I don't need to ski anymore...I am almost 40!" and enjoyed it! Cole and I even went on our first run together, just mommy and Cole! And the twins did great and were a big hit in the daycare!

Cole is turning 8 in a couple weeks. When did that little dude get so big? He had a biography assignment today at school. He chose Lance Armstrong. He dressed the part, gave clues to the class to have them try to guess who he was. I'll add a picture later.

Well, Sunday is my PRETEST for my black belt (I just got butterflies), so I better go practice, practice, practice.

Livestrong ;)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mallory Walks

Here she is, 14 months and starting to walk. She's really getting the hang of it!
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Uncle Dean and Aunt Lela, This Post's For You!

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Uncle Dean and Aunt Lela sent the 3 kids cute Valentine cards today. I read them to Luke and Mallory and they loved them, they wanted to hold them, so here they are with their Valentine's cards. Thank you! Cole liked his too, but he was not at home for this video. I gotta get them while I can!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Milestones and Smiles

A big hello to everyone! Does anyone else think it's scary that I am excited that it is 39 degrees today? Well, it is better than 10 below last week, that's a 50 degree difference!

Mallory is trying to join the upright world by attempting the walking thing. She has taken up to 7 steps and is so cute and proud of herself when she does it. Luke has ditched the arms straight up in the air and now walks like he is carrying heavy suitcases. Cole makes them laugh by wrestling with them, which they love. I have to turn away since it looks worse than it is. He also likes to get them out of their cribs in the morning and play with them.

Speaking of Cole, we want to thank everyone that contributed to the "Race for Education". Cole walked around the school for an hour in order to raise money for newer technology for the school. They were able to raise over $30,000! That money is going toward more Smartboards, upgraded computers, etc. all of which Cole will directly benefit from since he will be at that school for 2 more years. Thank you!

Luke now has 6 teeth with another one coming up top. Mallory has 3 with one trying to poke through up top too. She is NOT a good teether.

I took the 3 kids sledding on MLK Jr. Day. I was in a full sweat just getting their clothes on them. I put a pair of Cole's old boots on Luke. You would have thought I put 50 pound weights on his feet. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't crawl or walk, he just cried as if to say "Why mommy? Why did you put these things on my feet?!" They had a good time anyway.

Enjoy the video and pictures!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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Is it Spring Yet?

I think it's about 12 degrees outside right now.

I don't really know what's new...I started Biggest Loser Bootcamp workout and the yoga one too. Bob really kicks your butt, he loves lunges. I am on the countdown...75 days until my Black Belt Exam!!! Yikes.

Luke is completely walking now, he only crawls if he is chasing/playing with Mallory. She is walking everywhere, but holding on to everything, so not on her own yet.

I joined Facebook. That is a pretty fun tool. Michael and I are "friends" and he "wrote on my wall", all these sayings I'll have to get used to.

Cole's front teeth are finally growing in, it only took 8 months!

Everyone is healthy finally! Mallory, Cole and I all got a stomach virus on New Year's Eve. We were up at the cabin with 2 other families. They ended up leaving that night (sorry!), then 5 out of 6 of their kids ended up getting it anyway.

Hope everyone is having a good new year so far!