Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cole is 8!

I can't believe my baby is 8! I heard a saying the other day that is so true. The days are long, but the years fly by.

Cole enjoyed his day with family on Sunday. On his actual birthday, he brought cupcakes in to his class (yes, homemade) with my newly purchased cupcake carrier. His class told him they were the best cupcakes they have ever had! Are you kidding me? That made me happy. They sang to him and he had a good day.

The twins keep getting bigger and are doing new things all the time. Luke blows kisses, and says thank you, "day doo". They love climbing whatever they can climb on to. They just got their first real pair of shoes from Stride-Rite last week. When I put them on, they thought it was the funniest thing ever. It took some getting used to, but they like their new shoes. Now that the weather (hopefully) is slowly starting to get nicer, they will be outside soon and need the new "feet" for outside.

Mallory does not like to take baths all of the sudden. Her face says it all here!

We are all still adjusting to the daylight savings time. How is it that one hour can make such a difference? I've flown to Germany and had an easier time adjusting! I must be getting older.


Becky said...

Whoa did I not comment on this yet? Maybe that was facebook I was thinking of.... love the b-day pictures! And the little climbing twins. Your alma mater gave Memphis a run for their money, Lanae. Go UW.

Becky said...

I know you're super busy with twins and blackbelts and company but if you don't update your blog or I'll be forced to come visit you guys to see what you're up to in person. Hope you had a fabulous spring break! Love ya!