Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mallory and Luke turn 2!

Last week was Mallory and Luke's 2nd birthday. I know, how does time manage to speed up when you're an adult? I can't believe they're 2 already! Next step, college applications.

We celebrated by having family and friends/neighbors over. There were about 50 kids and adults here. But, by the volume...I'm guessing there were more kids than adults.

I was busy cooking for a couple days because I was determined to host a kids birthday party with something besides pizza. I decided that 3 days after Thanksgiving people might enjoy mexican food! I made pork carnitas and chicken enchiladas, Brad made his 7 layer dip and Michael made a big ol' batch of his yummy margaritas.

About an hour into the party, I panicked because not all the kids were eating (and not all of the adults either). I turned to Michael and said, "I think we need to order pizza!! QUICK!!" So, we had 4 large cheese pizzas delivered. Guess what? There wasn't one slice left over.
All in all, everyone had a good time.

1 comment:

Becky said...

What a party! Love Luke and Mallory's little b-day shirts, too. Fun. Hope you guys are doing well. It might snow here tonight...yay!