Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is it Spring Yet?

I think it's about 12 degrees outside right now.

I don't really know what's new...I started Biggest Loser Bootcamp workout and the yoga one too. Bob really kicks your butt, he loves lunges. I am on the countdown...75 days until my Black Belt Exam!!! Yikes.

Luke is completely walking now, he only crawls if he is chasing/playing with Mallory. She is walking everywhere, but holding on to everything, so not on her own yet.

I joined Facebook. That is a pretty fun tool. Michael and I are "friends" and he "wrote on my wall", all these sayings I'll have to get used to.

Cole's front teeth are finally growing in, it only took 8 months!

Everyone is healthy finally! Mallory, Cole and I all got a stomach virus on New Year's Eve. We were up at the cabin with 2 other families. They ended up leaving that night (sorry!), then 5 out of 6 of their kids ended up getting it anyway.

Hope everyone is having a good new year so far!

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