Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well, after several requests that we have some sort of "blog", I am attempting to do so and join the cyberworld.

We had an amazingly fun and busy summer with our new expanded family, but are now in the swing of things with school, work, schedules, sports, etc.

We were able to spend some time up at the cabin, and even upgraded our boat. This is something that happens to boat owners; the minute they get used to their current boat...they need a bigger one. Our new boat is able to safely hold our family, and 7 more passengers! It has been a lot of fun.

In August, we made our first flight with the twins and headed out to the Pacific Northwest to visit my dad and Ev. The babies did great (maybe we will attempt this again sooner than we thought) and Cole was a huge help as usual. We had several visitors while we were there, Aunt Judy and Uncle Tom, Uncle Darrell, Ann and Sandy (Toby too!) and Uncle Dean, Aunt Lela, Becky and Gavin. It was so nice to see everyone again. We had a wonderful time picking huckleberries, riding on my dad's new toy - the 4-wheeler, swimming, kayaking, boating, eating, drinking, visiting and of course, watching the Olympics!

Four days after our return, we all drove down to Laurie's. (minus Michael who had to work...someone has to do it!) 8 1/2 hours later, we were in Virginia. The next day, we drove further south (with Laurie and the girls) to North Carolina to my mom and John's house. Auntie Gayle was there too, and we all enjoyed the visit. Well, some may have enjoyed it more had someones car not been TOTALLED while parked on the street! Well, at least Laurie got a new car out of it!

Cole started 2nd grade and had a much easier time this year as opposed to last year. 1st grade was a tough transition! He loves baseball and is quite good at it if I do say so myself. ;) He is playing fall soccer, ice hockey and will be starting classes at church for his First Holy Communion next spring! Michael is teaching his class - cute!

Luke is crawling, well it's not your typical style of crawling, it is more like both arms out in front of him, then dragging himself forward, kind of like a lame frog. Hey, whatever works! He smiles a lot and melts everyone with his dimples. He loves to eat and is a very healthy 20 pounds and 30 inches.

Mallory is a comedian. She does things on purpose to get our attention. She waves hi and bye and is sitting up on her own. They both have a pair of teeth on the bottom. They are more aware of each other now and don't think it's a problem to steal the others' binky, or suck on a foot, be it their own or not. Mallory's eyes are as blue as the day is long. I hope they stay that color.

Ok, I've used up my free time, they are up from their nap.

Look for more in the days and weeks to come. I want to post a couple of video clips too.

Take care!

Lanae, Michael, Cole, Mallory and Luke


ThreeRingCircus said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! :) It's such a nice way to be able to journal, scrapbook, and share stories with others all in one. At the end of the year you can also turn it into a book as a keepsake!

I loved seeing the summer photos. You're right...Mallory's eyes are amazing! Whose are those?!?! :)

I love Luke's giddy smile and of course your gorgeous Cole is as handsome as ever. I DID, however, notice one very important person missing from your photos. Umm...YOU! :)

I love you and miss you all.

Becky said...

Yay, love the blog! The pictures are fabulous, as are the comments. Keep it up. : ) Miss you guys! Love to all 5 of you from Seattle--

The Press Family said...

Welcome to blogworld! We're so happy to see recent pics of the fam! Those ARE the bluest eyes I've ever seen! Now just keep them coming...so many people do the first one and then lag...more, please!