Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Fall

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

We had a nice weekend. We hope you did too. One new thing we did was to go hiking with the twins. The picture will show how we did it, but all the kids loved it and we can't wait to go again.

We also got a quick boat ride in, not too many of those days left!

Cole had his first soccer game. He almost scored 2 goals (when you are at this level, almost is just as fun for the fans!) We had beautiful weather and tried to get outside as much as possible.

More later.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Love the picture! Looks like an REI ad. Little Luke...(or Indy!)is so cute, and Mallory with her bow. Way to go Cole for soccer! What a stud. Love you guys--- Becks