Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Rainy Sunday

Today has been raining all day. So, no soccer for Cole today. To entertain myself, I've organized the computer room, but I'm scared to attempt the work/laundry room. That will have to be a project for another whole month.

We went to church, IHOP and visited Michael's dad. He lives at a local assisted living facility. He enjoyed seeing the kids and all of their new developments.

Next week, Cole has his school pictures. Last night he developed a zit on...where else...the middle of his nose. Both front teeth are missing, too.

Here's a funny video clip for your enjoyment. Have a happy day!


ThreeRingCircus said...

She is BEYOND adorable. That belly laugh that they do touches the heart so deeply!!

Poor Cole! He's got time...maybe it will vanish. And if not, get this... M's Lifetouch order form has a spot for Retouching the photos!! Sad thing is, it shows a HS boy covered in pimples before, and clear after.


Becky said...

Fun to read! Love the video. Now we get your rainy Saturday here. Had one last BBQ last night for the end of summer. Can't wait for the next post! Love you guys! : )