Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Twins are One!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday and were able to spend it with loved ones.

We had a great time at Laurie's in Virginia. My mom and John came up from North Carolina as well. We also celebrated the twins' first birthday on Saturday, Nov. 29th. We first went to the Arboretum to view the train exhibt.

We decorated the dining room with prince and princess crowns (that was the theme) blue and pink number ones, streamers, etc. We started by playing pin the kiss on the frog, some of us even played upside down and blindfolded! Then we opened presents (Luke's favorite was the recycled Shape-O-Toy) then had cake. This is more for the adults amusement than for the one year olds who have never had cake, much less sugar. Mallory dug in and did not disappoint us by getting it all over her face, hair and even in her ear. Luke was not enjoying anything about the cake, not the look of it, the feel of it or the taste of it! And, there is one thing that needs to be added in the Parenting 101 Manual, "Chocolate can sometimes cause diarrhea...often at 2:30 a.m.". Poor Luke!

I survived another round trip to Virginia with the kids. I guess we'll do it again!

Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Love the pictures! Glad you had fun in Virginia. Wow, those babies have been to a lot of states in their first year. As always, we had a great time with Ward and Ev here. Love you guys!