Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ok, raise your hand if you can believe the twins are almost a year. Yeah, me either!

We are all driving down to Laurie's tomorrow for the Thanksgiving holiday. My mom and John will be there as well. We plan on leaving at o' dark thirty (or 5:30 a.m.). We should pull in around 2 or 3:00 with any luck.

We are also celebrating the twins' 1st birthday which is on Saturday. We'll be sure to get lots of pictures with chocolate frosting all over them. My guess is that Mallory will be covered in cake (she is a very messy eater and likes to grab her hair when she eats - ahhhhh!)


ThreeRingCircus said...

Ridiculous how it flew by, huh??!?! Just wild. I can't wait to see the pics. Say hi to the fam for me :).

Becky said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Have fun in DC, we'll be thinking of you, and the big day on Saturday, too. Love the new pics.

Gavin said...

Cute photos, Ward and Ev hadn't seen the updated blog so we made sure they saw the new twin photos.