Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I thought I would update this while the twins are sleeping...too late, Luke is up.

Melanie's and Nick's visit was a very good one. We were able to go on a boat ride to look at the foliage up in NH. It wasn't quite peak, but it was still a good time. We also visited a pumpkin patch which was a highlight for Nick. Mel and I went shopping for my birthday and then brought dinner home from The Cheesecake Factory (my favorite place!). The babies' gift to me was sleeping in until 9:00 that morning, and Cole wrote me a story. Michael got me a pair of jeans I wanted! We went into Boston and had a great lunch at the Barking Crab, then walked around the Boston Public Gardens.

Nick liked my garden and picked several vegetables and announced that he was going to have a "Halloween Party" with them. He also informed us that he would be taking these vegetables back with him on the plane!

I have more pix from apple picking with Cole, Mallory and Luke as well as some I took on our front porch.

Have a great day!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October! My favorite month.

So, here we are in October, I don't know what happened to September. Somehow the month vanished.

Cole is in full swing with school, soccer, hockey (I think he scored a baker's dozen on his first game) and soon, basketball. He loves being a big brother and is constantly carrying Mallory around and making them both laugh.

We are finally seeing some sun today and it looks like it is going to be around for a while. Just in time for my BFF Melanie, and her younger son, Nick to visit. Below are some pictures from their last visit 2 years ago.

Also, I want to say congratulations to my cousin, Robin for the birth of her 3rd child. Baby Ainsley born September 26th, both home and doing great!