Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Where's the pause button? I feel so behind. My goal today is to get the Christmas decorations out of the attic.

We had a great visit with Grandad and Grandma-Oma last week. Or as I like to call them "Mr. Fix-It and Babysitter". They were so helpful, especially when I had to make a doctor's appointment for me for a weird rash that appeared all over my back, ewww. I was soooo itchy for days. But, when I woke up and looked like Angelina Jolie's not so attractive older sister, it was time to go. The doc said most likely allergies, and my step mom said maybe I was allergic to them! Mr. Fix-It Dad fixed our doorbell that was broken for over a year, 3 lights (and no, not just changing a lightbulb...well maybe just one) plywood in the attic to make more room up there to put our crap, the bedroom door, the loose fixtures, and so on!

Anyway, while they were here, Mallory and Luke turned 3!!!!! I still remember like it was last week driving to the hospital every day to see them in the NICU. I had a small party for them, mostly because I didn't know what to do. They don't have any little friends since they aren't in any playgroups or preschool. I felt pretty lame putting up the Dora and Diego decorations. Inner monologue, "Maybe I should have invited all the family. Maybe I should do more activities with them so they have friends their age. Is it still too late to get a magician?" Anyway, I guess I have years and years of parties with lots of little friends, so I tried not to be too hard on myself. And...they had fun, and that's all that matters.

Every once in a while, after saying the same things over and over until you just want to put it on a recorder and hit play, something sticks. Last week I got a call from one of Cole's friends moms. She was calling to tell me what a great son we have. (insert "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" where 'his heart grew three sizes that day'.) I guess some nasty boys were teasing his friend and Cole stepped in a defended him! Wow! That was a great feeling.

More to come as I am determined to be better about posting. But, if I'm going to reach my goal, I better get going!


1 comment:

Becky said...

Lanae! So good to hear, love how you write. Fun pics! And props to Cole, that's awesome. Lots of love. XOXO