Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Where's the pause button? I feel so behind. My goal today is to get the Christmas decorations out of the attic.

We had a great visit with Grandad and Grandma-Oma last week. Or as I like to call them "Mr. Fix-It and Babysitter". They were so helpful, especially when I had to make a doctor's appointment for me for a weird rash that appeared all over my back, ewww. I was soooo itchy for days. But, when I woke up and looked like Angelina Jolie's not so attractive older sister, it was time to go. The doc said most likely allergies, and my step mom said maybe I was allergic to them! Mr. Fix-It Dad fixed our doorbell that was broken for over a year, 3 lights (and no, not just changing a lightbulb...well maybe just one) plywood in the attic to make more room up there to put our crap, the bedroom door, the loose fixtures, and so on!

Anyway, while they were here, Mallory and Luke turned 3!!!!! I still remember like it was last week driving to the hospital every day to see them in the NICU. I had a small party for them, mostly because I didn't know what to do. They don't have any little friends since they aren't in any playgroups or preschool. I felt pretty lame putting up the Dora and Diego decorations. Inner monologue, "Maybe I should have invited all the family. Maybe I should do more activities with them so they have friends their age. Is it still too late to get a magician?" Anyway, I guess I have years and years of parties with lots of little friends, so I tried not to be too hard on myself. And...they had fun, and that's all that matters.

Every once in a while, after saying the same things over and over until you just want to put it on a recorder and hit play, something sticks. Last week I got a call from one of Cole's friends moms. She was calling to tell me what a great son we have. (insert "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" where 'his heart grew three sizes that day'.) I guess some nasty boys were teasing his friend and Cole stepped in a defended him! Wow! That was a great feeling.

More to come as I am determined to be better about posting. But, if I'm going to reach my goal, I better get going!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Finally, the log awaited favorite season of all is here. After an always way too long winter, I really look forward to the time in the warm sun.

We went to the cabin last weekend to kick off the summer for the Memorial Day holiday. We got the boat in the water and used it 2 days in a row. The kids all love the boat and one, two or all three usually end up sleeping on it at some point.

About a month ago I was pulling out of the garage and wasn't patient enough and backed right into the garage door. I was distracted by LUKE and now we need a new panel. Of course something like that usually isn't worth putting a claim into the home owner's insurance, so $750 later... Oh, my main point of writing that is when the door guy came to measure, he used our 6 foot ladder and left it up. A mother robin decided that the ladder was the perfect place to build her nest. It's up high, she has easy access through the broken bottom portion of the door, and who is going to bother her in a garage? Yesterday one of the 4 eggs hatched, and today another one (probably 2 soon). They are sooooo cute!

Update on Luke and Mallory:

  • Binky's are GONE. Thanks to Michael who likes to take them away cold turkey. I would have tied them to a balloon or something like that, but whatever works.
  • Luke always has a scrape or bruise on him at all times. He does not walk many places. It's usually a hop, skip, jump or run to get from one place to another.
  • Mallory is still finding ways to make us laugh. She calls her hands "paws", she cracks up whenever Cole pretends to hurt himself (hmm?). But, she is also very nurturing to her brothers.

Update on Cole:

  • He is playing baseball and striking out lots of his friends. He said "Mom, I'm happy when we win, but I feel bad for the other team because most of them are my friends." There are 2 pitchers that the teams look out for in terms of best pitching, and Cole is one of them!
  • Still doing great with math and spelling and thanks to an amazing teacher this year, he got more into science too.

Things we'll be doing this summer...

  1. Going up to the cabin a lot.
  2. Traveling to Spokane, WA and Priest Lake, ID for a Jamieson Family Reunion!!
  3. Going to the beach.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Quick update about nothing

I just feel that I haven't posted anything in a while and my "followers" are going to stop following if I don't write something.

Here are a few thoughts...

Why is it that "boys will be boys"? Where did that saying come from and why does that seem to excuse any bad behavior that boys do?

Why do I feel guilty for letting the 2 year olds watch an hour of tv?

Can I get off this ride for a while? Time is going by riduclously fast. Seriously. Really fast.

Ok, Cole is, well, see above. Just kidding. How about this, Cole is an 8 (almost 9) year old boy. He's doing really great at hockey. I have to take him clothes shopping this weekend since he's outgrown everything he owns.

Mallory and Luke are talking a lot lately. Putting words together to form semi-sentences. "Mommy, wheaaaaahhhhh yuuu?" (mommy where are you? I'M ON THE COMPUTER!) Or, "Eeeet dinnnaahh now" "But it's breakfast sweetie!" "Eeeet dinnaahhh" "Ok, let's go eat dinner". They are just really cute right now. They get along very well. They sleep very well. I just can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can go outside more.

I am in the market for a new camera. Mine broke when I dropped it *cough* hard on purpose *cough* on the ground. I'm also in the market for a new car, a printer/scanner/copier/fax, computer, etc. A girl can dream, can't she?

Here are M&L coloring. They love to color. And M feeding Papa a Cheerio.