Saturday, February 7, 2009

Uncle Dean and Aunt Lela, This Post's For You!

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Uncle Dean and Aunt Lela sent the 3 kids cute Valentine cards today. I read them to Luke and Mallory and they loved them, they wanted to hold them, so here they are with their Valentine's cards. Thank you! Cole liked his too, but he was not at home for this video. I gotta get them while I can!


ThreeRingCircus said...

HAHA! She's got that good defense mechanism down for keeping things away from Luke! :) I just love it! Scoot scoot scoot in a circle :).

Becky said...

Love the video! I passed the word on to the 'rents. Happy Valentine's to you guys, can't believe the baptism was a year ago. They are so big now. Love ya!