Friday, January 23, 2009

Milestones and Smiles

A big hello to everyone! Does anyone else think it's scary that I am excited that it is 39 degrees today? Well, it is better than 10 below last week, that's a 50 degree difference!

Mallory is trying to join the upright world by attempting the walking thing. She has taken up to 7 steps and is so cute and proud of herself when she does it. Luke has ditched the arms straight up in the air and now walks like he is carrying heavy suitcases. Cole makes them laugh by wrestling with them, which they love. I have to turn away since it looks worse than it is. He also likes to get them out of their cribs in the morning and play with them.

Speaking of Cole, we want to thank everyone that contributed to the "Race for Education". Cole walked around the school for an hour in order to raise money for newer technology for the school. They were able to raise over $30,000! That money is going toward more Smartboards, upgraded computers, etc. all of which Cole will directly benefit from since he will be at that school for 2 more years. Thank you!

Luke now has 6 teeth with another one coming up top. Mallory has 3 with one trying to poke through up top too. She is NOT a good teether.

I took the 3 kids sledding on MLK Jr. Day. I was in a full sweat just getting their clothes on them. I put a pair of Cole's old boots on Luke. You would have thought I put 50 pound weights on his feet. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't crawl or walk, he just cried as if to say "Why mommy? Why did you put these things on my feet?!" They had a good time anyway.

Enjoy the video and pictures!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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Is it Spring Yet?

I think it's about 12 degrees outside right now.

I don't really know what's new...I started Biggest Loser Bootcamp workout and the yoga one too. Bob really kicks your butt, he loves lunges. I am on the countdown...75 days until my Black Belt Exam!!! Yikes.

Luke is completely walking now, he only crawls if he is chasing/playing with Mallory. She is walking everywhere, but holding on to everything, so not on her own yet.

I joined Facebook. That is a pretty fun tool. Michael and I are "friends" and he "wrote on my wall", all these sayings I'll have to get used to.

Cole's front teeth are finally growing in, it only took 8 months!

Everyone is healthy finally! Mallory, Cole and I all got a stomach virus on New Year's Eve. We were up at the cabin with 2 other families. They ended up leaving that night (sorry!), then 5 out of 6 of their kids ended up getting it anyway.

Hope everyone is having a good new year so far!