Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ok, raise your hand if you can believe the twins are almost a year. Yeah, me either!

We are all driving down to Laurie's tomorrow for the Thanksgiving holiday. My mom and John will be there as well. We plan on leaving at o' dark thirty (or 5:30 a.m.). We should pull in around 2 or 3:00 with any luck.

We are also celebrating the twins' 1st birthday which is on Saturday. We'll be sure to get lots of pictures with chocolate frosting all over them. My guess is that Mallory will be covered in cake (she is a very messy eater and likes to grab her hair when she eats - ahhhhh!)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Hi everyone,
Election day is upon us. After months of endless campaigning (mostly negative) the day is finally here. It's not as if we have great choices, but please get out there and vote (republican). :)

Here are a few more pictures that I didn't get the chance to put up yesterday. Cole is playing hockey this season and is doing great! He likes it and is getting better all the time. His soccer season is ending this coming Sunday. Basketball starts tonight, and he is looking forward to that as well.

Things to remember...when babies are quiet, all is not well. I came downstairs for a few minutes this morning. It was a little too quiet upstairs, so I went up to check on the little darlings. Mallory had a fistfull of dirt, and it was in her mouth too. No, she was not playing outside in the yard, this dirt was in our house (disgusting!) in the grooves of the sliding glass door that has probably been there for 10 years. I'm looking forward to cleaning that.

Anyway, that was my morning. How was yours?

Monday, November 3, 2008


So, Halloween was fun. Our candy bunch went out and got...candy. They were very cute. I think Cole got his weight in candy this year.
More later.