Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Finally, the log awaited favorite season of all is here. After an always way too long winter, I really look forward to the time in the warm sun.

We went to the cabin last weekend to kick off the summer for the Memorial Day holiday. We got the boat in the water and used it 2 days in a row. The kids all love the boat and one, two or all three usually end up sleeping on it at some point.

About a month ago I was pulling out of the garage and wasn't patient enough and backed right into the garage door. I was distracted by LUKE and now we need a new panel. Of course something like that usually isn't worth putting a claim into the home owner's insurance, so $750 later... Oh, my main point of writing that is when the door guy came to measure, he used our 6 foot ladder and left it up. A mother robin decided that the ladder was the perfect place to build her nest. It's up high, she has easy access through the broken bottom portion of the door, and who is going to bother her in a garage? Yesterday one of the 4 eggs hatched, and today another one (probably 2 soon). They are sooooo cute!

Update on Luke and Mallory:

  • Binky's are GONE. Thanks to Michael who likes to take them away cold turkey. I would have tied them to a balloon or something like that, but whatever works.
  • Luke always has a scrape or bruise on him at all times. He does not walk many places. It's usually a hop, skip, jump or run to get from one place to another.
  • Mallory is still finding ways to make us laugh. She calls her hands "paws", she cracks up whenever Cole pretends to hurt himself (hmm?). But, she is also very nurturing to her brothers.

Update on Cole:

  • He is playing baseball and striking out lots of his friends. He said "Mom, I'm happy when we win, but I feel bad for the other team because most of them are my friends." There are 2 pitchers that the teams look out for in terms of best pitching, and Cole is one of them!
  • Still doing great with math and spelling and thanks to an amazing teacher this year, he got more into science too.

Things we'll be doing this summer...

  1. Going up to the cabin a lot.
  2. Traveling to Spokane, WA and Priest Lake, ID for a Jamieson Family Reunion!!
  3. Going to the beach.