Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Just a late night post while all is quiet. Lately Michael's and my conversations are as follows, "Hey, did you get my email about ---------- MOM, where's my homework, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Luke NOooooooooooooooooo" Me to Michael, "Nevermind, I'll text you later." When I left last night for karate I had all those spiral things over my head like you see in cartoons, but after the 2 hour workout, was much better.

Cole is a superstar in hockey. Scoring every game and skating better all the time.
Mallory's new thing, crawling into Luke's crib. Michael suggested we should move their cribs away from each other, then thought better of it, its probably safer the way it is. And cuter too.

Luke is just so cute and so smart. If it moves, or has a lid or a switch, he wants to know how it works. He's figuring out cause and effect right now. If I do this, then this. Not always good. He still loves to climb. Uhhhhh, when does that end? Mt. Everest??

LOVE my job with Uppercase Living. Challenging at times, but so fun!
Michael is loving his job too. IBM is great. ? He coaches Cole's hockey team, just finished up with the town over 40 softball team, and is now a lector at church. He will read this Sunday. He'll be embarrassed about this, but my friends from Cole's school think he's a babe!

Dad and Ev will be visiting for the next couple of weeks. Can't wait to see them. They got a room at the Mt. Washington hotel in NH. I think it was the inspiration for The Shining???? Must find out about that.
I'm going to NY with my BFF Melanie T. mid-Oct. Can't wait. We'll see Mamma Mia! go to a museum, and I'll take the time to walk around the Jackie O reservoir which is where my other friend Melanie (that passed away a couple years ago) and I walked when she was pretty sick.

Enjoy the pictures. I'll try to be good about writing the funny things that are said or done chez DiSilvio.