Monday, June 22, 2009

Let Summer Begin!

Well, it has begun, but no one told Mother Nature. It's about 56 degrees, has been raining for a week it seems and no end until Thursday of this week. Ouch.

Cole has officially started his summer vacation. He asked us, "How many weeks are there in summer vacation?" "About 10." Cole, "THAT'S IT???????!!!!!!!!!!" I hope he makes the most of it. Hurry up and have fun. So far he is in a baseball tournament that is about a week and a half long, but they practice all the time - 4 days this week as a matter of fact!! He's also doing a hockey clinic for a couple weeks. We will drive down to my sister Laurie's in VA for a week, and down to my mom and John's in NC for about 5 days in July.
Cole spotted a fawn on the way home last week. It had lost it's mother, but we saw mom on our side of the street and put baby in our backyard for mom to find it. It was only a day or two old, very cute. And, no, the mother won't reject the baby if a human holds it, that is an old wives tale.
Luke has taken to climbing. He climbs anything that is vertical: stairs, chairs, tables, bookcases, dressers, cribs, strollers, swing get the idea. There isn't much he won't try to climb. I just need to get it through to him that he can fall, will fall and has fallen. He still loves to eat. If I tell them it's time to eat, he runs over to his seat, climbs up into it (of course) and sits and waits for me to bring his tray to him. He is about 27 pounds and 33 inches. He just had his first haircut - bye bye curls! He looks like a big boy now.
Mallory is just too funny. She likes to watch and observe. She watches Luke climb, she watches Luke fall, she watches Luke cry. She is either too smart to do the same, or too cautious. Haven't figured that out yet. She also just got her first hair cut, not too much - she still has her curls. She likes to play the game, "Where's Cole?". Cole will go and hide and we will say "Where's Cole?" and she runs all over looking for him and then giggles and screams when she finds him. She is about 21 pounds and 30 inches. So, now I get the weird looks, then the question, "What's the age difference?" Or the doubtful question, "They aren't twins, are they?" It's amusing.

Michael is still playing in his over 40 softball league when time permits. He coaches Cole's little league team as well. I wonder if he'll get any golf in this year?

I just started a new job as most of you know, with Uppercase Living ( about 6 weeks ago. I love it! It gets my mind working, I get to get out of the house without kids and hang out with other women. There is also quite a bit of decorating skills that I need to bring to the table. And, I'm actually making money doing it! I'm still taking karate, and now there may be a small amount of teaching that I might be asked to do. Sensei Lanae, kind of has a nice ring to it!

Have a great summer, I'll try to keep this thing updated.