Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have not been good about updating this thing!

I guess I should start from the end of last month. I finally made it to the black belt exam. 5 1/2 years of taking karate, who would have guessed I could make it? Not me! I started training specifically for the test in January, working out and/or practicing at least an hour a day, sometimes up to 3 hours a day, everyday (almost) to get to the point where I felt prepared. I really don't think anyone could feel totally 100% prepared now that I know what is involved in the test, but I was as prepared as I could be. When did I have time for this you ask? Well, basically my life was put on hold. Right when I put the twins down for their nap, I would practice. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays and sometimes Saturdays I went to class. Michael was a huge help and very accommodating and understanding during all of this.

The test itself was very difficult, both mentally and physically. Mind over matter was a reoccuring mantra in my head. I think their goal was to push us to our limit, and then make us do more. The one time where I was completely exhausted toward the end of the test, 5 1/2 hours in, one instructor had us do 20 each of: jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, mountain climbers and front ball kicks. Then when we fininshed, she said, "Now, do all of them again...but do 30 this time."
It was an amazing experience, one that I am very proud of. What's next? Well, there are degrees of black belts (up to 10th!) so for now, I am continuing to go to classes and enjoying the fact that all non-black belt students have to kneel down when I put on or take off my belt, and bow to me! Mwwwoooaahhh-ha-ha, the power! Just kidding, it is flattering though.

Cole just started Little League practice last week. Michael is coaching again this year. Their team, The Diamondbacks, look great! This year the kids start pitching. I am excited for it, but other experienced moms told me it makes for loooooooooooooong games. I can't wait to see Cole pitch! Cole is also receiving his first Holy Communion on May 2nd. He has his white suit, tie and shoes. He is going to look so handsome. We will have a party to celebrate.

Mallory and Luke are getting so big! The interaction with each other is so funny sometimes. They are gentle with each other, concerned when the other is sad, even bringing their sibling a binky if they are crying. Monkey see, monkey do. If one is singing, the other joins, if one bangs on the high chair tray, so does the other. This is a really fun age! It's hard when I bring them outside to play since they are not used to being outdoors. It has been a long winter, and they learned how to walk during the winter, so we are just now starting to go outside. The world is a huge playground for them so they want to explore everything, even the street - yikes! I tell Luke "ouch" when he heads for the street and he is starting to understand.
We had a nice Easter, although we are all sick! But, we dressed up, went to church, had a chilly egg hunt and went over to Michael's aunts house for bruch.

Michael is starting an "over 40" softball league this week. It's put on through our town, so he will know several of the players (parents that we know through Cole - good friends now). It should be a lot of fun! He is back to running and working out on a regular basis and his knee, although not the same as it used to be, is much better from his surgery in December.

Spring seems to be trying it's hardest to come. Some days are better than others. Like last Saturday it was 39 or 40 with freezing rain and wind. Today and the rest of this week will be in the 50's and 60's with lots of sun. Boat rides don't seem that far away anymore.
I should also mention that I have a new (1st) cousin! Anastasia Galina Marie Jamieson (Stacie) was born to Uncle Darrell and Ann on April 9th. She was 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 19 1/4" long. Big brother Sandy seems very proud!

Well, I think you are now caught up on our lives. Don't you feel so much better?
Feel free to drop an email to us, we love hearing from everyone.