Thursday, February 26, 2009

Winter Stuff

Can we all hope for an early Spring????? I am so tired of all the sickness. It hasn't stopped since before Christmas, the 19th to be exact. Colds, stomach virisus, colds, knee operations, more colds, fevers, bronchilitis.... Tylenol has earned their quarterly revenue in this household alone!!

Right now, Luke has what I thought was croup, so 2 nights ago, we were in the bathroom with the hot water in the shower running 3 times during the night! The doc diagnosed it as broncilitis, inflamation of the small tubes in the lungs. Yesterday at the doctor's office, they gave him a breathing treatment, which helped his labored breathing. They prescribed Albuterol in a liquid which I gave to him at bedtime last night, which was what they recommended. Not doing that again! His poor little body was so restless he didn't know what to do. It took until about 4 a.m. for him to stop waking up every hour.

Enough of the sick talk. Mallory is fully walking now, they both love their new found upright mobility and freedom from the low crawling world. It isn't harder for us, just higher. Everything that was 1 foot off the ground is now 3 feet off the ground. Mallory loves to sing and dance, I think she inherited musical talent from my mom's side of the family! If I ask her to sing, she starts rocking back and forth and going "Lalalala". It is pretty sweet! Luke does it too, but there is just something about a little girl singing in a soft high pitch voice that is cuter.

We went up to the cabin last week during Cole's school vacation. I found out they have daycare at the ski resort close to the cabin. So on Thursday, Cole had his 4th snowboard lesson and I was able to go skiing for a couple of hours! It has been 2 years, but after the first couple of runs, I stopped saying to myself, "Maybe I don't need to ski anymore...I am almost 40!" and enjoyed it! Cole and I even went on our first run together, just mommy and Cole! And the twins did great and were a big hit in the daycare!

Cole is turning 8 in a couple weeks. When did that little dude get so big? He had a biography assignment today at school. He chose Lance Armstrong. He dressed the part, gave clues to the class to have them try to guess who he was. I'll add a picture later.

Well, Sunday is my PRETEST for my black belt (I just got butterflies), so I better go practice, practice, practice.

Livestrong ;)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mallory Walks

Here she is, 14 months and starting to walk. She's really getting the hang of it!
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Uncle Dean and Aunt Lela, This Post's For You!

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Uncle Dean and Aunt Lela sent the 3 kids cute Valentine cards today. I read them to Luke and Mallory and they loved them, they wanted to hold them, so here they are with their Valentine's cards. Thank you! Cole liked his too, but he was not at home for this video. I gotta get them while I can!